“Metaphorai” is an exhibition that consists of 13 different narrations articulated within the spaces of Plovdiv’s Old Turkish Bath. Following Michel de Certeau, each of these narrations, which we may call “metaphors”, arise out of those places we traverse, organize, select and connect every day, creating sentences and itineraries that work as valences for spacial displacements of many kinds – from syntactic and semantic to pragmatic ones.
Spatial narratives by:
Babi Badalov, Zbyněk Baladrán, Alberto Garutti, Mohssin Harraki, Pravdoliub Ivanov, Jiří Kovanda, Daniela Kostova, Delphine Reist, Juan Pablo Macias, Margherita Moscardini, Maurizio Nannucci, Sébastien Roux, Hans Schabus, Olivier Vadrot, Brice Delarue, Valère Mougeot!
Curated by Katia Anguelova & Alessandra Poggianti
Graphic Design: Brice Delarue & Valère Mougeot (Zirkumflex)
Publisher: Kunstverein Publishing in partnership with Art Today Association
The catalog is available at Kunstverein Milano, please order a copy here