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Stuck, installation view, Sofia City Gallery

Site-specific installation, Inkjet print on adhesive vinyl, 29 x 11 feet, 2017

“Stuck” is a large-scale photomural commissioned for the exhibition “Shifting Layers” (2017) at the Sofia City Art Gallery in Bulgaria, and curated by Vladiya Mihaylova. The work is loosely based on web-sourced images that document recent natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes that affect a range of communities throughout the US. A popular escape vehicle depicted in these images is the inflatable mattress, covered with animal cages, coolers, plastic bags, kids and pets. When I looked around, I found all these items in my own home surroundings—camping gear used mostly for leisure activities, now seen anew as a survival kit. The piece is a reflection on our precarious living conditions, affected by climate change, and the realization that things can dramatically shift overnight, turning play into tragedy.