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It’s Delovely

It’s Delovely, installation view, Academic Gallery, NYC 


Site-specific installation: inkjet print on vinyl, 125×118″, photographic print on canvas, 24×17″, 2015

In my latest body of work, I photograph my young daughter Vega’s adventure and rest. The images are enlarged and outputted as vinyl film or wallpaper. These large-scale skins are adhered to vernacular architecture in a way that brings the images into an active connection to a site. The work jumps from the intimate scale of home and learning to the public scope of industry and commerce. The photographs become a dramatic part of the physical architecture of the gallery, further dislocating the scale and narrative of the familiar household scene.

“It’s Delovely” was presented at the exhibition Approaching −273.15° C curated by Michael Sarff at Academic Gallery in New York, 2015.

“Hyperallergic” review of the exhibition, The Cool Conceptualism of Artworks at Absolute Zero by Patrick Neal.