Single-channel video, DVD loop, sound, 3 min, 2003
In the video Fixing Reality I have documented my attempts to place a portable blue screen at a variety of public urban locations in the U.S. The blue, shapeless hole in the space created by the portable screen is later digitally “filled” with images from my native Bulgaria. I have utilized the blue screen as a tool for manipulating my background. The process is difficult: the screen is constantly falling down as I strive to adjust and stabilize it while talking to people who pass through it. I use the blue screen video technique as a metaphor of absence and subjectively perceived reality, and to address issues of cultural displacement and alienation as a psychological condition of the global subject.
The woek was comissioned for the exhibition Don’t Touch The White Woman, Fondacione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, curated by Francesco Bonnami. Fixing Reality was presented as a video installation, the video projected on 3m x 4m translucent curtain, dividing the space into two parts. Visitors were invited to pass through the image.